Selkirk Sport - We Are Pickleball


  • Improve your reaction time with the split step

    Improve your reaction time with the split step
    It’s common knowledge that in pickleball, the goal is to work your way to the kitchen line to help win a point.  However, many new players often make one simple mistake when trying to get to the kitchen line: charging forward after the third shot.  Not only can this come back to bite you if you or your partner execute an improper third shot,...
  • Tips for pickleball partner court positioning and communication

    Tips for pickleball partner court positioning and communication
    When pickleball was just starting to become popularized, players typically only used the third shot to drop the ball into the kitchen. Now, however, many players use it as an opportunity to be aggressive.  Now that there are two very different ways the third shot can be played, many players question where they should be standing when their partner is executing the third shot. ...
  • Breathing properly can improve your pickleball game

    Breathing properly can improve your pickleball game
    Focusing on your breath is a common concept in many athletic pursuits, such as yoga or weightlifting.  Although many athletes recognize the importance of breathwork off the pickleball court, they forget about it while in a game. But the truth is, breathing properly can help you perform better on the pickleball court.  In this new Selkirk TV course, pickleball professional coach and mental game...
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