Selkirk Sport - We Are Pickleball


SelkirkTV | May 12, 2023

By Kyle Whatnall

This Week on SelkirkTV: Paddle Testing, MLP Trades, and More!

It's time to check out some great new content this week from SelkirkTV! We're thrilled to share the latest updates on the SelkirkTV app, which are sure to keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat. Below are a few of the many exciting episodes new pieces of content to check out this week: 

The James Ignatowich Show Episode #14 - Jorja Johnson

First on our list is the 14th episode of the popular show - The James Ignatowich Show. We continue our journey in the thrilling pickleball scene with a spotlight on Jorja Johnson. The episode digs deep into Jorja's background in the sport, her victories, and her future plans.

From a detailed recap of the 2023 PPA Newport Beach Doubles Shootout to the highlights of Jorja's win with Anna Bright in the Men's 5.0 division at the Paddle Tap Tourney - this episode has it all! And if you've ever pondered the MLP vs. PPA debate or wondered who the top 5 nicest players in pickleball are, you're in for a treat.

The McGuffin Pickleball Show #70 - Major League Pickleball's Historic Pickleball Paddle Testing Study & Report Will Shock You

Next up is Episode 70 of the McGuffin Pickleball Show. This episode takes a deeper dive into the technical aspects of the game. Major League Pickleball Commissioner Brooks Wiley and Pro Pickle Labs Managing Partner & Lead Engineer Curtis Cruz join host Tyson McGuffin to discuss a fascinating subject - paddle testing and standards.

Learn about the differences between the United States of America Pickleball (USAP) and MLP paddle deflection standards. Uncover the most critical statistics in pickleball paddle testing and explore the future of paddle testing in the sport. This episode is sure to be an eye-opener for pickleball enthusiasts!

PicklePod Episode #54 - Getting down in the dirt w/ MLP Commissioner Brooks Wiley

Lastly, we have the 54th episode of PicklePod featuring the same MLP Commissioner, Brooks Wiley. This episode provides further insight into the world of pickleball testing and updates. Brooks shares plans for future MLP updates, including an MLP ball and VAR system.

If you're a fan of the sport or just curious about it, this episode is a must-listen. It provides a unique perspective on the game, its regulations, and what to expect in the future.

To watch the complete episode and many other Selkirk TV original shows, podcasts, lesson series from the pros, and much more, download the Selkirk TV app HERE

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