Selkirk Sport - We Are Pickleball
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Player Spotlight

Interested in becoming a Selkirk Pickleball Pro?

Our AMPED team is made up of athletes who are active in pickleball and embody everything that Selkirk stands for. Members are normally rated 4.5+ UTPR and active in tournament play. Please keep in mind that this is generally a minimum requirement, and there are other variables to joining the Selkirk Amped Team.

Fill out our application to become a Selkirk Advocate. After 6 months, you will be eligible to be approved to join the AMPED Team, Junior Team, or Senior Pros Team.

Apply Now

All Selkirk AMPED Players

Adam Benson

Adam Krafft

Adam Mitzel

Adam Smith

Agron Topalli

AJ De Castro

Aju Eapen

Alvaro Terron

Amanda Studnicki

Andy Taylor

Anna Dyachenko

Anne King

Ari Roodhuyzen

Austin Bachman

Austin Kerper

Avner Onishchenko

Barbara Kerr

Barrie Hill

Barry Ko

Barry Mah

Bing Teng

Binu Brar

Bob Trout

Brad Ashley

Brad Chapman

Brad Penny

Brandon Hubschman

Breeanna Bucher

Brian Lee

Bryan Lundberg

Bryce Ogren

Cade Edwards

Calvin Song

Cameron Childers

Candice Ernst

Cara O'Leary

Carney Lucas

Carol Lausman

Chad Flynn

Chad Palman

Chelsea Uhl

Cheryl McDonough

Chloee Butterfield

Chris Bauerle

Christina Dorman

Christine Karges

Christopher Williams

Cindy Johnson

Clara Sabina

Clayton Truex

Cody Barbeau

Cole Henderson

Cooper Stevens

Corinna Gardiner

Craig Cross

Cynthia Roberts

Dalbir Bhandal

Dalonna Cooper

Damaris Brix

Damon Little

Dan Normand

Dana Raugust

Daniel Gottfried

Danielle Polage

Daryl Nap

David Lecours

David Pelletz

David Talbott

David Zuckerman

David Zumwalt

Diane Baumgartner

Dustin Knackstedt

Edward Bailey

Eitan Weisner

Eric Carrizales

Erika Pliner

Fernando Sala

Fion Chou

Frazier Springfield

Gary Ho

Gary LaValley

George Gamboa

Gerald Alvarado

Gerald Ferrer

Glenn Cho

Glenn Spivey

Guy Wight

Helen Monson

Holli McDonald

Howard Fromberg

Ian Lepine

Irene Mah

Isaac Hinterschied

Isidro Mendoza Jr.

Jackson Lindquist

Jacob Bolkowy

Jake Hobaugh

James Stapleton

Jamon Onishchenko

Jared Call

Jared Call

Jared Uhlman

Jarick Rager

Jason Schmeltzer

Jason Weidman

Jeff Elwood

Jeff Giles

Jeffrey Ho

Jeffrey Whipple

Jenifer James

Jennie Davis

Jeremiah Thomas

Jeremy Gold

Jeremy Harrelson

Jill Thyr

Jim Rogers

Jimmy Royalty

Jodie Merrill

Joe Fraser

Joedon Terry

Joel Synstelien

Johan den Toom

John Cangelosi

John Heinbaugh

John Ma

John Macauley

John Rodrigues

John Wydler

Jonathan Hill

Jordan Renwick

Jordan Renwick

Joseph Johnson

Joseph Willemsen

Josh Nellesen

Julio Rivera

Justin Hanks

Justin Simpson

Justin Stephens

Keith Purcell

Keith Valentine

Kenneth Lee

Kenneth Stocks

Kenny Ortega

Keri Blue

Kerry Krueger

Kerry Savory

Kevin Kersey

Kim Layton

Kimberly Brent

Kimberly Schavel

Kristen Meyer

Kristine Diehl

Kristy Kind

Kyle Bachman

Larry Lam

Laura Cummings

Leslie White

Letha Rodrigues

Lexi Contratto

Linda Kirkpatrick

Lori Perella

Lori Spivey

Luis Reyes

Luke Larsen

Maggie Murch

Marianne Johnson

Mario Najera

Mark Cook

Mark Gottfried

Mark McDonald

Mark Rankin

Mary Kozak

Mary Monson

Mary Sigmen

Matt Carter

Matt Lund

Matt Nielsen

Matthew Geer

Matthew Riegert

Matthew Seward

Matthew Stodola

Matthew Watson

Melanie Benson

Meredith Vincent

Michael Lipp

Michael Lundberg

Michael Stewart

Michael Vaughan

Michelle Bencriscutto-Synstelien

Mike Chapin

Mohammed Mansaray

Pamela Patrus

Pamela Stevenson

Parker Curry

Patrick Johnson

Paul Clemens

Paul Coletta

Paul Maple

Paul Myers

Paul Warner

Peter Brix

Phil Greenwood

Ralph Rabago

Rebecca Jilcott

Reine Akebrand

Rick Borosky

Rick Haughton

Rocky Clark

Rose Sawatzky

Rundiati Warren

Ryan Hanes

Ryan Porter

Ryan Rostek

Sabrina Wickson

Saby Karuppiah

Sally Nowak

Sam Middleton

Sandi Barter

Sarah Gnegy

Scott Edwards

Scott Fager

Scott Johnson

Scott Johnston

Scott Siewert

Scott Stevenson

Scott Tingley

Sean McCartan

Shannon Carducci

Shannon Hudson

Shannon Wright

Shawn Radford

Shea McClellin

Sherri Steinhauer

Spencer Whitehead

Stacy Potter

Stephanie Coddens

Stephen Bass

Steve Cromer

Steve Genzler

Steve Paranto

Steve Paulsen

Sue Wong

Susan Baze

Susan Lawler

Susan Pound

Sutinan Senasu

Sylvia Whitehouse

Taylor Niss

Ted Cummings

Terri Welch

Terry Brine

Tim Gardner

Tim Manwaring

Todd Robertson

Tony Omlin

Tony Vassos

Tracey Flynn

Trish O’Neill

Tyler Farnes

Vickie Sciacqua

Vitor Massuia Mendes

Vu Nguyen

Wayne Russell

Wendy Sofiak

Wesley Mathison

Will Gardner

Yolanda DuJardin

Zachary Shell

Zachary Wood

Zak Parks

Explore Our Other Teams

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